Acolyte Euphonic Array™ Alignment 1

Sale price$950.00

Since we invented the Euphonic Array, we have had many requests for interesting tunings outside of equal temperament. Luckily we have the ability to dial our Euphonics tunings into any specific frequency! This particular set up, the Euphonic Array Alignment 1, has been the most requested tuning combinations from our friends in the sound therapy and sound healing arena! As a result we have decided to make a limited-edition Euphonics batch and make them available to all of YOU!


  • Root – 396hz
  • Sacral – 417hz
  • Solar Plexus – 528hz
  • Heart – 639hz
  • Throat – 741hz
  • Third Eye – 852hz
  • Crown – 963hz
    Custom colors and tunings are also available for additional fees and wait time. Email us at for more details.